Tentative 2024 Schedule
18-Hole Women's Association
The Local
Rules Sheet
posted on
the Starter's
Shack states
in effect.
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  MAY Mon. Coords.:   Cynthia C. , Kitty P. , Diane V.
Apr. Monthly Mtg. 7 7:00   Two Best Balls  ABCD
  14 7:00   Team Nassau  ABCD
               Wed. 15 2:00   9 & 18-Hole Scramble & Social  Barbara C.
  21 7:00   Red/White/Yellow  ABCD
Mnthly Mtg. 28 7:00   Odd/Even  AB/CD
  JUNE Mon. Coords.:   Ann D. , Judy F. , Judy H.
  4 7:00   5s, 4s, 3s  ABCD
  11 7:00   1 Front/2 Back  AB/CD
  18 8:00   Memb/Gst Shotgun & Lunch
Denise D. , Ellen E. , Anne McN.
Monthly Mtg. 25 7:00   Corners  AB/CD
  Mid-June, July & Aug. Association  MATCH PLAY Tournament
  JULY Mon. Coords.: Sharon H. , Marianne V. , Betty L.
  2    -:--   No Associations play July 2nd - July 5th
  9 6:30   1 Front/2 Back  ABCD
  16 6:30   Odd/Even  AB/CD
Monthly Mtg. 23 6:30   Corners ABCD
  30 6:30   Mem'l rd.1 AB/CD (C Score) Team Game 2 BB
  AUG. Mon. Coords.:   Julie K. , Sarah R. , Therese D.
  6 6:30   Mem'l rd.2 (C Score); alt. game Odd/Even ABCD
  13 6:30   2 Best Ball  ABCD
  ?? 9:00   Grounds Crew Appreciation Lunch  Barbara C.
Annual Mtg. 20 8:00   Member/Member (C score) Shotgun & Lunch
Donna C. , Flora Marie G. , Chris Hdy.
  27 6:30   1, 2, 3 ABCD
  SEPT. Mon. Coords.:   Maria G. , Kathy M. , Mardee V.
  3 8:30   Cuda/Solheim Jane D. , Peggy J. , Carol P. , Cindy
  10 7:00   5s, 4s, 3s  ABCD
  17 7:00   Corners AB/CD
     Monthly Mtg. 24 7:30   Red, White, Yellow  ABCD
  OCT. Mon. Coords.:    Kathy F. , Paige , ?
  1 7:30   1,2,3  AB/CD
  8 8:00   Odd/Even  ABCD
  15 8:00   1 Front/2 Back  ABCD
    Monthly Mtg. 22 8:00   Team Nassau  ABCD
  29 8:00   Two Best Balls  ABCD
  DEC.   TBD noon   Holiday Party    Joanne L.
Sign Up:         Golf Genius sign-up is open Tue. 5am - 6pm Fri. for the following Tue.
Tues. Play:      Net at 90 - 100% of course hcp. unless stated otherwise
To Cancel:      On Tuesday, call the Pro Shop (508)896-1716
                     Before Tuesday, call a Monthly Coordinator (listed on the schedule)
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