18-Hole Women’s Association 2025 Application To Homepage
Name ______________________________________________________________
E-Mail ______________________________ Cell # _________________________
Winter address ______________________________________________________
Summer address, phone# ______________________________________________
-Members must serve as an officer or on a committee at least once every other year.
Members 80 or more years old who choose not to volunteer must notify the vice-
president in writing.
-The 18-Hole Assoc. plays in accordance with the USGA rules; these rules require that
you post all scores. The Captains GC Handicap Committee is responsible for ensuring
that members comply with the USGA posting rules.
Questions? Contact Diane Valcourt, VP, membership.
Rev. 01/2025
Minimum Requirements For Membership:
-Adult female who is an Early, Morning, or non-resident member at The Captains GC
with a current GHIN Index of 34.0 or less (= a 36 hcp. on the Capt. Port Course)
(Exception: Article III, section 2)
-Must have a USGA GHIN #, either through The Captains or another club.
-Must pay $60 dues ($30 after Aug. 15th) for a full 18-Hole Women's Assoc. membership
and $5 Hole-in-One Insurance (new members only). There is a suggested optional $5
donation to the Memorial Scholarship Fund. All of these noted above.
Summary of some of the by-laws of the 18-Hole Women's Association:
-Members must play a minimum of 6 weekly tournaments. Prior to being eligible to
play in a major tournament (e.g. Member-Guest, Member-Member, or Assoc.
Championship), a member must play in at least 2 weekly tournaments in the
current season. Exemptions from these rules may be granted by the executive board.
Dues ($55) are payable by Feb. 15th; $60 dues after 2/15/23.
However, you can join the Association at any time during the year.
FULL Members Only, please complete the following:
CGC Member# ___________ (# for tee times) USGA GHIN # _____________________
Please print, sign, & return a copy of this form with your dues to: Jan Baxter, Treasurer,
3 Vicksburg Ave., Harwich, MA 02645. Checks payable to CGC 18-Hole Women’s Assoc.
____ FULL Memb.: $60 ($30 after Aug. 15th)
____ Hole-in-One Ins.: $5 (NEW memb. only) ____ SOCIAL Memb.: $5
(optional) (suggested)
TOTAL ENCLOSED $ __________