1. Any member of good standing in the Association is eligible to play in the
weekly tournaments. To remain in good standing, a member must conduct
herself in a manner acceptable to the Association.
2. To be eligible to play in a major tournament (such as Member/Guest,
Member/Member, or Association Championships - Memorial and Match Play
tournaments), a member must have played in at least two (2) weekly
tournaments in the current season. (An exception to this rule may be made
by the executive board if a major tournament is to be held in the spring
or early summer.)
3. A guest at the Member/Guest Tournament must be a woman who is not
current member of the Captains Golf Course 18-Hole Women’s Association,
who either has a current USGA handicap, has a temporary handicap determined
by the Handicap chair,or plays at scratch.
1. Committees shall consist of the following: prizes, special events/social, and
any other committees as the president may decide.
2. A committee may be eliminated by a majority vote of the Executive board.
1.The Executive board shall consist of the elected officers of the Association,
the member-at-large (who will be the outgoing president), and the Scheduling
Coordinator (non-voting member).
2. The Executive board shall meet at least once a year to create a budget
for the next season and as deemed necessary by the President.
3. The Executive board shall also meet at least once each month from April
through October at the Association members' monthly meeting.
The president shall appoint a nominating committee, consisting of three
members to prepare a slate of officers to be presented at the general meeting.
At this time, nominations may be made from the floor. If there is only one
nominee for each office, election of officers by acclamation shall take place
at this meeting. If there are nominations from the floor, the president shall
appoint a member to conduct a written ballot.
By-Laws Cont'd
Return to:
ARTICLE X. FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1
through December 31.
ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS: These by-laws may be amended at any
general meeting of the Association or by e-mail ballot. An amendment may be
passed by a majority vote of the members, provided that the amendment has
been previously submitted by e-mail to all members of the Association and
posted on the Association bulletin board for 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
(Article XI amended August 2021)
November 1996
Effective January 1, 1997
Amended October 1997, August 1999, August 2000, August 2003, August 2004,
August 2008, August 2010, April 2012, August 2012, August 2014, August 2017,
August 2021, August 2023